Array Formula Problem Microsoft Excel Mac

Dynamic array formula excel

Hi, I have a major problem which stemmed from when I was trying to edit/delete (I can't remember) an array formula from a single cell. I have been trying to delete the formula by selecting the whole range of cells, but Excel won't let me leave the cell in question and everything else I do (whether clicking on another cell, clearing the contents of the cell and pressing enter, trying to restore the original formula) results in the error message 'You cannot change part of an array', yet when I try to quit Excel or even log out or shut down I get 'Cannot quit Microsoft Excel'. Is this some sort of bug and have I no choice but to shut the computer down manually, which I don't like doing (fortunately I haven't done much unsaved work that this would affect)?
FormulaExcelArray Formula Problem Microsoft Excel MacArray

Array Formula Problem Microsoft Excel Macro

Enter an array formula GoSkills Enter an array formula Once you have added a function name (I.E. 'SUM') to your cell, this shortcut will insert closed brackets ready to be filled with the required information needed to execute. This is used to create array functions. This Dynamic Arrays in Excel tutorial is suitable for users of Excel for Microsoft 365. Explore Microsoft’s NEW Dynamic Array functions in Excel and use them effectively to solve problems. Dynamic Arrays in Excel Explained. Dynamic Array Formulas were introduced by Microsoft in 2018 and are the most significant change to Excel. In a worksheet cell, array formulas have a small blue triangle in the cell’s upper-right corner. A heavy border appears around the range that is occupied by the array formula. In the formula bar, an array formula appears surrounded by curly brackets. When a cell that contains an array formula is selected, range finders appear on the worksheet. Excel provides two types of array formulas: Array formulas that perform several calculations to generate a single result and array formulas that calculate multiple results. Some worksheet functions return arrays of values, or require an array of values as an argument. For more information, see Guidelines and examples of array formulas.