Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons

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  1. Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons
  2. Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons Guide
  3. Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons Mod
  4. Call Of Cthulhu Weapons Table
Call of cthulhu tabletop weapons

Call of Cthulhu 6: Investigator Weapons: Sixtystone Press: Call of Cthulhu 6: King of Chicago/Secret of Marseille: Chaosium SmiteWorks: Call of Cthulhu 6: Mysteries Setting Monographs: Chaosium: Call of Cthulhu 5.5-7: Pulp Cthulhu line: Chaosium: Call of Cthulhu 7: Rise of the Dead: Chaosium: Call of Cthulhu 6: S. Petersen's Field Guides. When an investigator is injured or wounded, subtract the loss from the amount currently shown on the investigators sheet. Unless a keeper decrees otherwise, or unless losing half or more of current hit points from a single attack, an injured investigator function normally until lowered to 2 hit points or fewer, and then goes unconscious or dies.


๏ Armor: Subtract the listed hit point factor from the damage

๏Dodge: An investigator may only dodge the first bullet shot at him in a round. If dodging, an investigator may also parry, but not attack.

๏ Impales: On a d100 result equal to 1/5 or less of the player’s
skill with a pointed weapon an Impale occurs.
•Roll for damage twice on an Impale.
•Some Mythos creatures are immune to Impales.
•Hand-to-hand weapons stick in the target on an impale and the investigator may spend another round making another weapon skill roll to free the weapon. Removing the weapon deals no damage.

Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons

๏ Parry: Parry equals the weapon skill and may only be
performed once per round. The target of the parry is
declared at the beginning of the round.

๏ Surprise: Those surprised act at 1/2 DEX. Extreme surprise
affords no attacks for the surprised party in the first round,

๏Knock-Out Attacks: Using unarmed or blunt attacks, roll damage as normal and compare the result against the target’s HP on the Resistance Table. If the attacker is successful, the target takes 1/3 damage and is knocked out for several rounds. On a defender success, the target takes full damage. A successful First-Aid or Medicine roll immediately wakes a target.

Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons Guide

•Most Mythos creatures may not be knocked out.
•Humanoid creatures may be knocked out at Keeper discretion.

Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons Mod

๏ Thrown Weapons: If an investigator throws an object add half of his damage bonus to the
damage done. See also the Throw Skill.

Call Of Cthulhu Weapons Table

๏ Two Weapons: Two melee weapons may be held, but only one attack and one parry may be made per round, as usual