No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Emblem


No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Emblems

Feb 26th, 2012

Ro Valkyrie Ragnarok Online Path of Heroes Hack Skills No delay Home Single Dungeon 13-10 Clear G.Ver. 3.9.5โปรโฮม แฮคสกิล Auto Bot Ro Mobile Android Update. Download: Butel Arc 125 Full Version, Downloads Found: 12, Includes: Crack Serial Keygen, Date Added: Today. No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Offline. ScannerMaster is proud to sell ARC software products for scanners from Butel. ARC stands for “Advanced Radio Control” and there are ARC packages for most current and many older scanners. The hack tools include: Damage Hack (This hack 1 hit all boss) God mode Hack (No damage taken from any boss) No cooldown Skill hack ( No Cooldown for All skills) No Skill Delay Hack (You can cast all skill in instant) Teleport Hack ( Teleport you to a desired Spot) Movement Speed Hack (You move like a lightning Speed) BUFF hacks (you can cast. Learn everything an expat should know about managing finances in Germany, including bank accounts, paying taxes, getting insurance and investing.

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  1. // ___ ___ _______ ______ _ __ _______ _ __ __ __
  2. // / / / / / ___ / / _ / / _ / / / ___ / / | / / / / / /
  3. // / /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / / / / / / / / | / / / /_/ /
  4. // / __ / / /__/ / / _/ / /_/ / / / / / / /||/ / /_ __/
  5. // / / / / / ___ / / /| | / / / / / /__/ / / / | / / /
  6. // /__/ /__/ /_/ /_/ /_/ |_| /_/ /_/ /______/ /_/ |_/ /_/
  7. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// v3.3 ///
  8. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  10. // (c) 2008 - 2012 Daniel Stelter-Gliese
  11. // GM level which allows users to bypass Harmony protection
  12. protection_bypass_level: 100
  13. // Determines how Harmony logs events.
  14. // 0 Events are only logged to the server console
  15. // 1 Events are logged to the harmony_log SQL table
  16. // 3 SQL logging is attempted, if it's unavailable the textfile is used
  17. log_method: 3
  18. ////////////////////////////////////
  19. ////////////////////////////////////
  20. // Harmony enforces the usage of unmodified client binaries.
  21. // However, you have to add your client checksum here to
  22. // allow only permitted exes. The checksum is a MD5 hash of
  23. ///
  24. // To get the checksum of your exe you can use this tool:
  25. ///
  26. // To reload this configuration while the server is running use @reloadharmony.
  27. client_checksum: 0, b977a1ae80749f34d9ddae28fb0005c9
  28. // GM level >= 20 requires this hash (level 0 hash works here, too)
  29. client_checksum: 20, b977a1ae80749f34d9ddae28fb0005c9
  30. client_checksum: 99, off
  31. ////////////////////////////////////
  32. ////////////////////////////////////
  33. // You can configure how to react to each attempt.
  34. // Each setting is <action>,<delay in ms>[,<parameter>]
  35. // Valid actions:
  36. // The player is sent back to the login screen.
  37. // Alternatively, you may specify the clif_authfail_fd()
  38. // 1 Server closed [msgstringtable: line 4]
  39. // 2 ID already logged in [msgstringtable: line 6]
  40. // 3 Time gap / too much lag [msgstringtable: line 242]
  41. // 5 Underaged [msgstringtable: line 306]
  42. // 6 Server still recognizes your last connection [msgstringtable: line 442]
  43. // 7 Too many connections from this IP [msgstringtable: line 530]
  44. // 15 Disconnected by GM ( throw back to login screen)
  45. // else Disconnected from server [msgstringtable: line 4]
  46. // message Display a message (text as parameter)
  47. // autoban Automatically bans the players IP. This will keep
  48. // hackers from testing their cheat attempts over and
  49. // The duration is given as delay value.
  50. // NOTE: All autobans are lifted after the server is restarted
  51. // NOTE: Due to the internal timing system of eAthena you should not
  52. // use intervals of more than ~20 days. If you want to ban for
  53. // a long period of time simply use -1 to block until next restart.
  54. // console Prints a message on the server console
  55. // Delay specifies how many milliseconds to wait before performing this action.
  56. // NOTE: Actions are not triggered if the user logs out before this time expires.
  57. // IMPORTANT: For autoban actions, this flag identifies the autoban duration in seconds!
  58. // The parameter is used for certain actions, such as messages. It's
  59. ////////////
  60. // NOTE: XRay exes will always trigger this due to polymorphic code. It must be disabled
  61. // in this case (by removing the two following lines)
  62. // NOTE: No log entry is needed here. As long as there is at least one action
  63. // registered Harmony will automatically log the incident and include relevant
  64. // memory addresses. To only log incidents you can you a dummy-action like
  65. codepatch: kick, 0
  66. // Modified client access permissions. Client access permissions
  67. // NOTE: This feature is EXPERIMENTAL, is not verified whether harmless
  68. // 3rd party software might trigger this. Enable at your own risk!
  69. proc_access: autoban, 600
  70. proc_access: log, 0, Process permissions modified.
  71. // Debugger -- used for analyzing and reversing the client internals
  72. debugger: autoban, -1
  73. debugger: log, 0, Debugger attached
  74. // Speedhacks make the system time faster to bypass client-side
  75. // NOTE: Kicks caused by this detection are displayed like this:
  76. // 'You've been disconnected due to a time gap between you and the server.'
  77. // If many players get this error it is recommended to disable the kick action
  78. // by removing the first of the three lines and using @reloadharmony.
  79. // Please also contact the tech support about this issue, you will
  80. // receive further information on how to deal with it and restore the
  81. speedhack: kick, 0, 3
  82. speedhack: log, 0, Speedhack detected
  83. ////////////////////////////////////
  84. ////////////////////////////////////
  85. // for illegal files. The server maintains a list
  86. // of files and their correct checksum. If a client
  87. // opens a file with an unknown checksum Harmony will
  88. // For detailed information consult the documentation.
  89. // GM level which allows users to bypass the GRF integrity validation
  90. // If protection_bypass_level is lower than this value, protection_bypass_level is used.
  91. grfintegrity_bypass_level: 100
  92. ////
  93. ////
  94. // Whether to log GRF mismatches (includes player name, file name and sent hash)
  95. // If you don't use hdata.grf you might want to disable this (although it's
  96. grfintegrity_log_mismatch: yes
  97. // Immediately block attacks
  98. // (To ensure that messages are printed in the correct order you may want to send them with a delay of 1ms)
  99. grfintegrity: message, 100, Illegal GRF modification detected!
  100. grfintegrity: message, 500, Please remove any custom modifications and restart the game.
  101. grfintegrity: message, 900, You are not allowed to attack.
  102. // And kick after a minute
  103. // Number of seconds an IP is blocked if a modified GRF is detected
  104. // BEWARE: kRO updates might change files. When setting this value
  105. // make sure your client includes all listed files and overwrites
  106. // the default r/data.grf (or add hdata.grf with highest priority)
  107. ////////////////////////////////////
  108. ////////////////////////////////////
  109. // Harmony can limit connections from certain IP addresses or
  110. // computers. You can use this feature to prevent excessive
  111. ////
  112. // Required GM level where sessions are not counted as
  113. // Default: 99
  114. // Multiclient: IP limit
  115. // Number of connections allowed per IP
  116. // Multiple physical computers might have the same same IP if
  117. // Use -1 to disable this check.
  118. max_connections_per_ip: -1
  119. // What to do if the IP rate is exceeded
  120. multiclient_ip: log, 0, Too many connections from one IP.
  121. multiclient_ip: message, 100, The limit of simultaneous game connections was exceeded.
  122. // You might want to add this message telling the player what the actual limit is.
  123. // multiclient_ip: message, 500, There is a limit of <VALUE> logins per IP address.
  124. // This will trigger the following message:
  125. // 'IP capacity of this Internet Cafe is full. Would you like to pay the personal base?'
  126. // You can customize this message by editing msgstringtable.txt line 530.
  127. // Multiclient: PC limit
  128. // Number of connections allowed per physical computer
  129. // Default: -1 (unlimited)
  130. multiclient_pc: log, 0, Too many connections from one PC.
  131. multiclient_pc: message, 100, The limit of simultaneous game connections was exceeded.
  132. // You might want to add this message telling the player what the actual limit is.
  133. // multiclient_pc: message, 500, There is a limit of <VALUE> logins per computer.
  134. // This will trigger the following message:
  135. // 'IP capacity of this Internet Cafe is full. Would you like to pay the personal base?'
  136. // You can customize this message by editing msgstringtable.txt line 530.
  137. ///////// AUTOBAN SETTINGS /////////
  138. // Several generic events which can be enabled for autoban
  139. // See <link> for further information on the autoban feature
  140. // Autoban feature enabled?
  141. // For details, see the basic information block below
  142. autoban_enabled: yes
  143. // Number of seconds an IP is banned when an unencrypted login is detected
  144. // This might indicate a 3rd party client exe or an attempt to use OpenKore
  145. autoban_unsafe_login: 600
  146. // Number of seconds an IP is banned when a protocol error is detected
  147. // This strongly indicates an attempt to emulate or bypass Harmony.
  148. autoban_malformed_protocol: -1
  149. // Number of seconds an IP is banned if a connection is made from a blocked Mac address
  150. // (When a PC is blocked by Mac address every connection attempt from this PC will result
  151. // in the current IP address being blocked for some time)
  152. // Default: 12 hours
  153. //////////// SPELL DELAY ///////////
  154. // Monitors incoming skill usage packets from the client.
  155. // If a client sends way more skill packets than possible with a regular
  156. // skill delay this strongly indicates a no-delay hack.
  157. // To avoid false positives due to network lags the detection is triggered
  158. // only if such packet patterns are detected multiple times over a certain
  159. ////
  160. // Default configuration:
  161. // If a client sends more than 12 (spelldelay_threshold) skill packets within
  162. // one second (spelldelay_interval) the internal fail counter is increased.
  163. // If a clients fail counter exceeds 5 (spelldelay_failcount) a no-delay
  164. spelldelay_enabled: yes
  165. // Number of milliseconds for each monitoring interval
  166. spelldelay_interval: 1000
  167. // Number of skill packets allowed in this period
  168. spelldelay_threshold: 14
  169. // How often a packet flood must have been detected before any action is taken
  170. // Number of milliseconds after the fail count is decreased by one (to avoid false
  171. // positives triggering the detection after a long time in game)
  172. spelldelay_cooldown: 60000
  173. nodelay: restrict, 0
  174. nodelay: message, 100, You will be disconnected for skill spam in 15 seconds.
  175. nodelay: log, 0, No-Delay hack detected
  176. ////////////////////////////////////
  177. ////////////////////////////////////
  178. // DON'T change anything unless you know you're doing :)
  179. zone_malformed_grace_time: 35000
  180. zone_time_glitch_cooldown: 400000 // (n+30k)/n -> 7.5%
  181. heuristic: 1, DeR
No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Emblem
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No skill delay hack ragnarok emblem guide

Ragnarok Skill Build